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Showing posts from April, 2022


Inspired by several environmental disasters, the junior senator established the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, to bring light to the issue of environmental responsibility and to transform the public's attitude.  Let us celebrate Earth Day by participating in giving back to Mother Earth! We definitely take for granted the many treasures our planet provides us while we live our lives, go about our day, tap into the resources, connect with people, and grow our businesses. We must do our part to take care of our home so we can continue to enjoy what it provides us. Here at One Trillion Group, it’s no surprise that we value giving back. So for this month, we wanted to give back to Mother Earth!!  If you’re already a client, it’s not too late to participate in this month's challenge to help the planet and have a chance to win a pack of seeds to start your own plantation (a bonus to help reduce your carbon footprint). Throughout this month of April 2022, the www.carbonfund.o...